Saturday, May 18, 2019

Farm Daisy an Deadlift

It was a great trip to California, but I'm very happy to be home. Friday morning I took the early flight back to Toronto, landed, grabbed a green smoothie, and then picked up Daisy the Dog at my sisters. We took a big walk, had a bigger steak dinner, and then had an even bigger drive home to the farm.

After a short sleep I got back up this morning to write some newsletters. I was tired, but soldiered on...after a heavy dose of Green Tea, we had finished the newsletters, done a big Daisy walk, played in the backyard, and got ready for deadlifts.

I nearly quit.

Daisy wanted to play, I was sleepy, and a little slow moving.

Impenitent, I stuck to it. And it was so worthwhile.

The workout was good. Very good.

  • Ball curl
  • Split squat
  • 1-leg RDL
  • Band Pull
1a) Deadlift
1b) Mobility

2a) KB Farmer's Walk (barefoot, on the grass)
2b) Band Walk

3a) Snatch-Grip RDL
3b) Mobility

Then more playing with Daisy. She loves grass, and today she had a fresh cut lawn to sniff and snack on.

It worked out great. She's so big, and so fast.

Little girl is getting all grown up!

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