Thursday, May 09, 2019

Big City Workouts and Daisy

Daisy had a great time on the farm, but we had to shift into the big city for a few days.

Wednesday was an off-day/travel day, but today I got under the bar for a great squat workout.

I gave myself exactly one hour to do my old-man warmup, heavy squats, high volume hamstrings, and end of workout mobility.

Great times... this was all done in 53 minutes and then I went and got a green smoothie at Impact Kitchen

1a) Band Walks
1b) Stability Ball Leg Curls

2a) Heavy Front Squats
2b) Kettlebell Swings

3a) Squats
3b) Glute-Ham Raise

Now for a big walk with Daisy. 🙂

PS - Nothing has the power to change your life like love.

- When anger strikes, Defeat it with love.
- When fear is felt, Defeat it with love.
- When envy rises, Defeat it with love.

Love heals hurt. It mends wounds. It brightens paths. Love is the answer. It is the only answer indeed

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