Monday, April 01, 2019

Miami Workouts & Toronto Training

Thursday was a smooth travel and workout day, and then Friday was a full seminar day. Fortunately I made time to train on Saturday morning. I couldn't deadlift but I did the best I could in a gym with heavy db's.

1a) DB RDL 
1b) Mobility

2) Barbell Split Squat

Saturday night was a great dinner at Bourbon Steak, a Michael Mina restaurant in Miami. I had the waygu ribeye, baked potato, bok choy, and cauliflower. 

On Sunday it was another upper body day:

1a) Chinups
1b) Cable Lateral Raises

2a) TRX Row
2b) DB Shoulder Press

Then, after a delayed flight, I finally got home to pick up my puppy, Daisy. She grew so much when I was gone... she's a real dog now! 

Today we went to a park and she played with the big dogs... so fun.

Today's Toronto training was intervals on the treadmill, and tomorrow I get back to deadlifting for good times!  

Craig Ballantyne
Author, The Perfect Day Formula 


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