Sunday, March 17, 2019

Farm Workouts & Farm Dog

Yes, my dog has an Instagram.

But I don't run the account. Her Auntie does.

I do all the stunts though. :)  

On Saturday morning we took a drive out to the farm. She loves it here. Although she's a bit of a troublemaker biting and chewing stuff... but at least she plays fetch!

When we got back I was able to crush a deadlift workout while Daisy played with Grandma inside:

1a) Hang Clean
1b) Mobility

2a) Deadlift - worked up to 325 x 3 x 5
2b) Mobility

3a) Snatch-Grip RDL
3b) Band walks

And then I think I actually slept 7 hours for the first time in 2 weeks since getting Daisy... straight 7!

Time for another outside sprint session,


Who you associate with is more important than you could ever imagine. Do not accept anything less than the best. Do not hang around folks who peer-pressure you into bad lifestyle choices.

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