Tuesday, February 05, 2019

Winter Thaw Workouts and Travel to Tampa

On the weekend I did a fun upper body workout in my Brother-in-Law's Home Gym.

He has a barbell, trap bar, and a few dumbbells.

1a) Wide Grip Barbell Row
1b) DB 1-Arm Standing Shoulder Press

2a) Shrug
2b) DB Triceps Extension

3a) Core Training
3b) Mobility

Yesterday I flew to Newark, and had some delays, so it was an off day.

Today I was in the gym early because I have a full day private client coaching session here.

1a) Bulgarian Split Squat
1b) Stability Ball Leg Curl

2a) Cable Abs
2b) Split Squat

Should be hitting a good local steakhouse tonight.

Tomorrow I have another private client coaching session, and I will get in a great upper body meathead workout at the hotel gym.

And Thursday it is off to Tampa/Clearwater to hang out with Vince Delmonte, Bedros Keuilian, Joel Marion, and over 100 fitness experts. Back to Toronto on Sunday.

PS - Quote of the day from my friend Luciano!

"All bitterness, fury, angry, shouting and reviling must be removed from you, along with all malice. And be kind to one another, compassionate, forgiving one another as God has forgiven you in Christ." - Ephesians 4:31-33 ... My friend Luciano Delmonte, a pastor, shared that verse and adds: "Whom do you need to forgive? Name the offense and what they took from you. Cancel the debt. Announce that they don't owe you anymore."

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