Thursday, January 31, 2019

LAX to Toronto

Hello from rainy LAX where I'm waiting out a long delay on my trip home to Toronto where it is cold and snowy.


Bedros and I just wrapped up our best ever Empire Mastermind meeting, and it was epic - despite my cold.

The good news is that I did a deadlift workout yesterday, and an upper body workout today.

Deadlifting was done at BK Strength in Chino Hill.

1a) Deadlifts

1b) Mobility

2a) KB Swings

2b) Mobility

There was a good steak dinner at the Ranch restaurant in Anaheim, too.

Then it was off to LAX ... my flight was super late getting out of Toronto, so it will be super late leaving LA.

Fortunately I knew that and stayed at my hotel forever, and did a workout there.

For the next couple of days I'll be staying in Toronto.

Next week I'll be in NYC to work with some private clients, and then I am heading down to Florida for Vince DelMonte's Mastermind. Later next month I will be in NYC on February 20th to do a morning TV show to promote Unstoppable, and while I'm there I am looking to do a few other media events, and maybe a book signing.


And yes, I know this goes against my plan to not travel... but you should see all of the events and invitations that I have turned down... February's list included speaking gigs in Amsterdam, San Diego, Florida, and Chicago. J

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