Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Florida to Dallas

On Sunday I had a good leg workout, even though it was in the hotel gym at the Clearwater Marriott.

But first, some big news.

My new book, Unstoppable, is now available on Amazon. 

It's going to be a best seller. Woohoo!

Now for some workout updates...

1a) DB Split Squats
1b) Mobility

2a) DB Bulgarian Split Squats
2b) DB RDL
2c) Cable Abs

I was well fueled from the previous evenings crab leg feast.

And then today I did an upper body workout before my flight from Tampa to Dallas with Joel Marion.

1a) Pullup
1b) Seated DB Shoulder Press

2a) DB Lateral Raise
2b) Face Pull

3a) Triceps
3b) Curls

Tomorrow I'm speaking at Ryan Moran's Capitalism Conference. We'll be meeting up with Bedros Keuilian as well and having a steak dinner.

Then we're all off to California to speak at Jason Capital's High Status Summit event. It's going to be WILD with over 900 young men and women ... and it's one of my favorite audiences in the world.

I know I'm going to get a great workout on Sunday, but until then it will just be hotel gyms.

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