Friday, December 14, 2018

Toronto Workouts and Cookies

Spent the last couple of days in Toronto shopping, working, filming a TON of videos (all for my business stuff, no new workout videos, sorry!), and eating cookies.

First, yesterday's workout at Bang Fitness. It was a good one.

Lots of mobility first, including a lot of ankle mobility because Jay Ferruggia said I really needed to improve here.

1a) Squats
1b) Box Jump

2a) Glute Ham Raise
2b) Lateral Band Walk (glute fire!)

Wednesday was an off day because I filmed forever and was exhausted.

Tuesday was another great workout with bench press.

Today is off, and Saturday I'll be back in for some board-presses, and then Sunday is Deadlifts.

After that will be another family Christmas and a few days off from training.

Oh, and today I'll do a workshop with clients from all over Canada, and then buy a few more things at the mall. I just bought the Airpods for myself and like them so much I'll be buying them for some friends.

Finally, the cookies... Every day after training I go to Impact Kitchen in Toronto for a Greens drink... and they have incredible chocolate paleo cookies... full of goodness, chocolate, and some "paleo sugar" or some other mis-named junk, and its one of the best cookies I have ever had. Going to buy a big stack for Christmas.

Time for training,


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