Sunday, December 23, 2018

Hair Injury and Training Update

Funny story.

On Monday, Dec 17th I had a hair transplant.

Yes, you read that right. No shame here.

Two thousand hair follicles were extracted from the back of my head and resettled, like tiny little trees, to strengthen my receding hairline (my doc had labeled me as a "4/10" on the Norwood Scale of male pattern baldness).

Unfortunately, I am required to take 7-10 days off training to protect those lil suckers...

I lasted 5 days.

At first I started doing some walks with a 45-pound weight vest... that went fine... no problems with knees, hips, or back after 30-45 minutes. The weight vest is also fun because it's hard to breath normally with all the pressure on the chest.

Then yesterday I did some presses and rows...

1a) Military Press

1b) BB Snatch Grip Row

2a) KB Press

2b) BB Shrug

Today I'll do some lower body single leg stuff with the weight vest on... probably take Monday off, and then deadlift, staying lighter than usual, on Christmas morning. I'll crush some heavier presses on Wednesday, and then maybe moderate squats on Thursday.

Anyways, thanks to following instructions and being patient and a good boy, those little transplants are now they are growing like mighty oaks... and you better notice the next time you see me! Haha.

Hope that put a smile on your face.

Merry Christmas!


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