Sunday, November 18, 2018

More Aussie Workouts and Workshops

I am still down under in Australia. It's nice. I made it Melbourne, but did not go to the end of the earth, aka Perth. That city is a 5 hour flight from Sydney, which makes it 25 flying hours from Toronto! WOW. 

I get back to USA on Wednesday, and am going to go to Bedros' house for Thanksgiving. Then we do our Toys for Tots thing in Denver on December 1st, and then I have some work to do, and then i fly back to Toronto on December 8th and will be home till New Years (with some trips to Toronto in there too).

Life is good and definitely just have first world problems (like not being able to find Quest bars in the Melbourne airport). 

On the bright side, the hotel gym in Melbourne was good, and the workshop I held there was excellent. We also had amazing food at each of our workshops, with really good salmon and chicken at the Pan Pacific Hotel in Melbourne.

Yesterday's workout:

Face Pulls
Bodyweight Rows
DB Curls

Today's Workout

Bench Press (smith machine... I know!)
Face Pulls
Cable Lateral Raise

I'm such a Meathead.

Tomorrow we get back to squats.

Stay tuned,

Craig Ballantyne

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