Monday, September 17, 2018

Summer Update

Alright, I'm back and going to update this blog again.

Lots to report.

This summer:

- I went to Germany, South Africa (Safari!), Croatia, Montenegro, Lithuania, and London, UK

- I learned safaris are really amazing

- I worked a lot... and did not sleep very much... in fact I've been on about 6.5 hours for 60 days in a row

- I got a crazy bug bite in Montenegro that became infected

- I went a long time without working out

- I grew my new business really fast using Instagram (weird, right)

- I almost finished another book, "Unstoppable"

And most importantly...

- I tried to come up with New TT programs and I failed... I spent weeks trying to come up with something good, and nothing could compare to the classics.

So... I'm sorry, there won't be any new TT programs to buy

But I will start posting my workouts here again.

Starting today:

I weigh about 170 pounds, and I lost weight on my 31-day trip this summer while everyone else gained 10 pounds.

Unfortunately, I probably lost muscle from not training.

But I haven't lost that much strength on some exercises... and when I was training with Jay Ferruggia last week I managed to DB press 90x5.

Today in the hot garage gym I did:

1A) Band Pulls

1b) Pushups

2A) DB Press

2b) BB Row

3A) Elevated pushup
3b) Ab Wheel Rollout

Alright, that's it.

I gotta lot more work to do tomorrow (crazy book deadline!!!), so I'll talk to you soon.

Much love,


PS - Sad news... Ol' Bally is off to doggie heaven. He had a great run... the best ever. Miss him a lot. We'll never forget his Bally workout emails!!!


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