Sunday, September 23, 2018

Saturday and Sunday Sessions

I like working on Sundays, it's my coaching day. At 6am an email goes out to my 250 high level clients. It contains 10 accountability questions for the week. I get dozens of replies, and I reply to each reply. It's so fascinating to solve problems, create new content, and generate new connections.

It keeps me busy, but I still have time for training and a walk outside.

But I would do more walks if I had a dog. 😊

I really want to adopt a couple from ... especially Bentley and Ellie Bellie. The problem is I'd have to install a fenced in dog run for them.

Hmmmm... dilemmas, dilemmas.

Anyways, here are a couple of good weekend workouts:


Extensive old-man warm-up for tight hips

1A) Front Squat (+ one rep of Hang Clean since this was done at home with no rack)

1b) RDL

2A) KB Swing
2b) KB Reverse Lunge

2C) Stability Ball Rollout

Very good session.

Then Sunday was all meathead, all the time... But I was so focused on my work that I worked right through lunch (forget to really eat), and then trained at 2pm. Good times.

1A) Pushups

1b) Band Pull

2A) DB Chest Press

2b) KB 1-Arm Row

3A) Floor Press

3b) Shrug

Good times.

Then a walk outside... one of the last nice weekend days of the year.

Off to Toronto on Tuesday for coaching sessions and gym workouts.

Talk soon,


PS - Check me on Instagram - lots of cool stuff here

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