Thursday, January 04, 2018

Deadlifts and Yoga Angst

Fun workout in the garage gym today.

Thank goodness, because yesterday I barely did anything... definitely hit a wall in my commitment to yoga.

I really wanted to lift, but it was a scheduled day off. Ended up just doing two 30-minute walks in the cold. Those were good, but I was amped up to train with weights.

So having all that pent up energy was good for today's deadlifts - which I wasn't scheduled to do until Saturday... but I moved them up because I was  fired up. And it all worked out. Whew.

1A) Deadlifts
1B) Pogo Jumps

2A) KB Push Press
2B) Mobility

3A) Shrug
3B) Mobility

Hopefully tomorrow I can stick to just yoga and a walk, and then lift again on Saturday before going to see some friends.

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip:
Making your To-Do list in the morning means you are already too LATE.😮

Follow this simple 3-Step system for having a better morning routine:

At the end of your workday, start planning for tomorrow with:

1) The Brain Dump

2) Prioritization

3) Process Planning (most people miss this)

That makes your mornings go smooth so you can DOMINATE your days.

And click for our latest podcast that sets up for massive success in 2018.

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