Saturday, December 16, 2017

Friday and Saturday Update

Yesterday was an off-day from training, although it was a great day in terms of coaching, beard trimming :) and self-reflection.

Today was a great day. I wrote for over 5 hours in the morning, finishing up some major projects and getting a head start on a few others. This is going to be a busy week because we give our ETR team the entire week off over the Christmas break... and we have lots going on starting January 2nd.

After writing I slipped over to Bang Fitness for a good session:

1A) Front Squat
1B) Jumps

2A) Squat
2B) Glute-Ham Raise

Also, make sure to read this article on things not to do in the morning.

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip:

Action beats anxiety.🙏

"Motion beats meditation."

If you're feeling frustrated that things aren't moving fast enough, don't waste time or energy on worrying.😡

Instead, identify one thing you can do right NOW to do for others, to move you ahead, and get you out of this funk.

Get a small win today and keep building on that momentum.

When you pour love❤️ and energy into your community, it comes back to you 10-fold.

That's not the only reason you should help others, of course, but when you give, you grow.

Do something right now to make things better for someone today.

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