Friday, December 01, 2017


Happy 1st!

Today we have a big seminar in Denver for business owners, and then an even bigger networking party, followed with Toys for Tots shopping on Saturday morning.

This morning was my last workout for the week:

1A) Front Squat
1B) Mobility

2A) Squats
2B) TRX Leg Curls
2C) Cable Abs

Not bad.

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip:
Why wait till January 1st to change your life and start adding healthy habits? We have a perfectly good Friday, December 1st TODAY to start taking action. Today is the Day to take action - Start now.

Rock on,

Craig Ballantyne

PS - Be a month early!

"Change is a matter of Choice, not calendar." - Dan Kennedy ðŸ¤”

So let me ask you...

Why wait till January 1st to change your habits?

Why wait to kick bad behaviors to the curb?

Why wait to take up those new rituals and routines that can move you ahead in life?

"The choice to exert integrated effort or to default to camouflaged laziness is the key choice that determines your character, competence and future. That critical choice must be made continually – throughout life. The most meaningful thing to live for is reaching your full potential." - Kekich Credo 27💥

We all have a perfectly good Friday, December 1st TODAY to start taking action.

The time to take action and change your ways is now. 🙌

Start making changes today!

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