Monday, November 27, 2017

Early Meathead Monday

This is another pre-workout update.

Later this morning i'm heading to the gym for a Meathead Monday session.

1A) Bench Press
1B) Bodyweight Row

2A) Close-Grip Press
2B) Barbell Row

3) Handstand Pushups

This afternoon is busy with meetings and calls.

Tomorrow I fly to Denver for our 6th annual Toys for Tots event and a Perfect Life Workshop.

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip:
Make a list of what you should stop doing and what you should start doing. What should you stop if you want to be more productive? What should you start doing if you want to be a better parent or partner?

Practice accurate, objective thinking about your behavior.

Self-reflection is a powerful tool for success.

Rock on,

Craig Ballantyne

PS - Can't sleep?

Here's a #breathing pattern to put you to #sleep in seconds ... Also perfect for calming down in #stress 🙏... Add this to my 10-3-2-1-0 Formula for a great night of sleep #lifehacks 💯

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Craig Ballantyne
Author, The Perfect Day Formula


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