Saturday, October 21, 2017

Deadlifts and Delmontes

Yesterday was pretty interesting. There was no workout, which always leaves me a little grumpy, but I did take a little trip within the big city over to see my friends Vince and Flavia Delmonte.

We recorded two podcasts, and the first one was my favorite, where I interviewed them as busy parents about their daily routine and the communication that keeps them happily married.

After that Vince interviewed me about Vision & Values. Both of these will be up on my Podcast in the next 4 weeks.

This morning I wrote for hours and hours and finally hit the gym at 1pm. It was another good Saturday Deadlift session:

1A) Deadlift
1B) Handstand Pushup

2A) Glute Ham Raise
2B) Abs

I did a lot of deadlifts with different grips.

Then went for a walk around the entertaining city of Toronto. I get to enjoy one more week here and then it's off on my penultimate road trip of the year (look that word up!).

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip:
The past is the past. No one, and no amount of regret, can change it.

Get a motivational quote everyday from 👍

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Image may contain: ocean and text

Craig Ballantyne
Author, The Perfect Day Formula


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