Tuesday, October 17, 2017

77 Days Left

What an awesome, yet busy day.

Started with early AM writing, then created a Thank You card and filmed an Instagram story on my morning walk.

After that made a TON of connections for my Perfect Life Retreat, had some good meetings, and then rushed to a workout.

It went like this:

Warm-up => Had a trainer teach me some clubbell movements.

1A) Squat
1B) Box Jump

2A) Front Squat
2B) Glute Ham Raise

Tomorrow will either be a walk or mobility work.

After that I had a call with Marcus Sheridan, a very interesting guy, and connection from my friend, Carrie Wilkerson.

Then it was more meetings.

Good thing I got a lot done because my team reminded me of this today...

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip:

Craig Ballantyne
Author, The Perfect Day Formula


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