Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Day 2 of The Sickness

Bummer. Still feeling nauseous. And tired.

So no workout today.

Hopefully tomorrow before heading to the airport at 9am.

Then my journey begins to Atlanta for some Workshops, LA for brunch with Jason Ferruggia, and Vegas with Bedros.

Oh, and then I'm speaking in Seattle at Luka Hocaver's fitness event for personal trainers. If you're up there, you should go. It's called
=> VigorGroundSummit.com

Until then, enjoy today's kickbutt mindset tip:

Make a big change today. Read the post to find out how!

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Craig Ballantyne
Published by Craig Ballantyne · 7 hrs ·

"Change is matter of choice not calendar." – Dan Kennedy

Happy Tuesday. You could as easily change your life today as on New Years Day, so don't wait. There's still time to hit your BIG goals in 2017... Time to make the next 100 or so days count...

"Success is the sum of small efforts - repeated day in and day out." - Robert Collier

Focus on adding more right decisions to our right life.

What is ONE good habit you can add this week?

What is ONE bad habit you can remove this week?

Let's start on our path to success, one better habit at a time.

Here's how...

7 Steps to Change Any Habit:

1) Make the commitment.
2) Be proactive and plan ahead.
3) Eliminate the obstacles and temptations.
4) Get accountability.
5) Have consequences for your behavior.
6) Set a deadline.
7) And do the work! No more putting it off. Make that big change today.


Make it a great day.

And if you need more help improving your habits, and living your dreams, join me at my big event in November, The Perfect Life Retreat. Check out the 2-for-1 deal at:
=> PerfectLifeRetreat.com

Craig Ballantyne
Author, The Perfect Day Formula


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