Saturday, September 02, 2017

Arms and Legs and Airplanes

Been playing around with some bodybuilder style workouts and programming recently. Because I travel and have to deal with "lame" gyms, this approach is less stressful than worrying about max strength. Besides, I'm 42!

Friday's session:

1A) Pushups
1B) Band Pull
1C) DB Lateral Raise
1D) Ab Wheel
1E) DB Triceps Extension
1E) DB Curl

I did three rounds of some moves, and added a 4th for a few others.

Then I drove from the farm to the big city of Toronto for dinner. Today I head to the airport. Early Sunday I fly to LA to see Jay Ferruggia for his big birthday brunch party. Should be lots of fitness folks at it.

Earlier today I did a walk, then a workout, then a walk. There is one of those Comic Con Fan Expo's in town so lots of folks in full-on costumes on the streets. It was fun to see. Today's training:

1A) Squat
1B) Mobility

2A) Lunge

Pretty good!

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip:

TODAY is the first day of the rest of your life.

Don't dwell on past mistakes. That gets you nowhere.

Don't waste energy worrying. It does not serve you.

Focus on what you can and WILL do today, tomorrow, and the rest of your life, and all of the great things that will come from your actions.

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