Monday, August 21, 2017

Jay Ferruggia and a Meathead Workout

Wild weekend and manic Monday morning.

Yesterday I was in the big city of Toronto for brunch and a couple of meetings. Good times were had, and more importantly, I snuck in a great workout in the morning in a high-rise gym. I had a beautiful view of the quiet city at 8am for a Meathead Sunday Funday session...

1A) Pushups
1B) Pullups

2A) 1-Arm KB Press
2B) More pullups

3A) EZ Bar Curl
3B) Triceps Extension

Today is an off day, but Bally the Dog and I went for a great walk. He had the energy of a young pup and was out chasing down the scents of varmints from the night before.

Great times!

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip:
Protect your days with the right habits and routines at night so that you can perform like a fighter jet first thing in the morning.

And live life on your own terms with Jason Ferruggia

Check out our podcast and learn how Jay, a meathead from New Jersey, evolves into a highly-connected, powerful, zen-like master who lives in California, has one of the most popular podcasts in the world, and has figured out the secrets to a great life. You will hear the techniques he learned from me, and how they made him financially and emotionally free of all that baggage back on the east coast.

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