Saturday, June 10, 2017

Squats and Buffet dinners equal too much

Hotel gym LEG workouts are like buffet feasts.

They always end up leaving me feeling like I overdid it.

Mostly because I overdo it in both situations...

...and that's because I don't know what "enough" is because they are so different than my normal workouts and meals. Plus, I end up trying out all sorts of new things, and you know what that can do to you... especially to your muscles.

That means Monday morning should be quite uncomfortable with DOMS from today's workout.

1A) DB Split Squat

1B) Ball Leg Curl


2B) Goblet Squat

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip:

Life is good. Share your abundance. Give a gift to the world each day. Call someone. Send a text of hope and encouragement. Mail a handwritten thank you card. Donate to a cause you care about.

Don't hold back. The world needs your generosity now more than ever.

Talk soon,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT

PS - Game changing workshop on Friday for another group of high performers

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