Thursday, June 01, 2017

Mile High Intervals on the 1st

I obviously don't run much, and I've spent little time in Denver this year, so when I ran a few intervals today in the Mile High City at elevation, I got whooped. But I kind of liked it...

Otherwise, today is a day off from training... but tomorrow it's Meathead Bench Press Friday!

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip:

Happy 1st.

There has never been a better time to begin a 21-day challenge... Just in time finish up on the 21st to start the new season.

Today I am off to do one of my Perfect Life Workshops and to transform and change the lives of these high achievers.

To change your life you must change your habits. To change your habits you must change your plans. To change your plans you must change your belief in yourself.

You must switch from an "I'll try" to an "I will" mindset.

You must. You can. And you will.

Learn more about my workshops at ... just fill out the application and we'll see if it's right for you!

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Craig Ballantyne
Founder, ETR University


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