Tuesday, June 27, 2017

KB Training Pre-Europe

Crazy morning, busy day, that's the way it is when you're flying to Europe at night and going away for 3 weeks.

Just another annual trip of a lifetime. :)

I woke up, wrote, meditated, walked the dog, ate breakfast, did calls all day, sold some workshops, did a podcast, then hit the garage gym, then drove to the airport, and now I'm chillin' pre-flight.

Tomorrow London, Friday Budapest, and then more good stuff. Stay tuned!

Today's session was makeshift, but solid.

1A) KB Reverse Lunge
1B) 1-Arm KB Standing Press
1C) Ab Wheel

Good to go.

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip:
Have the courage to begin again, to shake off the dust when you fall, to stand up, and to start fighting another round...

"You do not drown simply by plunging into the water. You only drown if you stay beneath the surface... When a horseman falls off his horse, if he does not remount immediately, he will never have the courage to do so again." – Paulo Coelho

Rock on,

Craig Ballantyne

PS - Watch for this...

Few men can say they've built an empire. Fewer men can say that and then turn around and say they used to eat scraps out of dumpsters.

For me, both are true.

The Empire podcast with @realcraigballantyne and I launches TOMORROW! 👊

I can't wait for you guys to hear it! These episodes will be packed with so much knowledge so be ready!

#empirepodcast #goals #business #businessman #badass #podcast #itunes #entrepreneur #entrepreneurship

Image may contain: 1 person, sitting
Craig Ballantyne

Craig Ballantyne
Founder, ETR University


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