Friday, May 05, 2017

Meathead Morning Marriott Session

Yesterday was an off day full of travel to NYC. I had to leave the farm at 7am, drive to the aiport (sit in a bit of traffic), fly to Newark, uber to NYC, and then meet with a few past Perfect Life Workshop clients. Today I have another workshop and then some dinners and meetings the rest of the weekend. Sunday I fly out to LA to see Jay Ferruggia and Bedros Keuilian!

Good times.

Today's workout was at the JW Marriott in NYC right on Central Park. It's a good gym and great hotel location.

1A) Pullups
1B) Pushups

2A) Seated Row
2B) Cable Abs

3A) Curls
3B) Triceps

Meathead Marriott Morning Session!

Finished with a walk over to Trump Towers to take a few pics. I'll share on IG later next week.

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip:

Vision. Focus. Structure. Step away from the social media as soon as you can and put your head down and do the REAL work. Focus on what matters!

Stay off the social wand,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT

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