Sunday, May 21, 2017

Good Deadlift

Today was rainy outside.

But inside the gym it was perfect.

This is how a workout is supposed to go.

Lately I've been doing less volume in my sessions, and continuing to drop my training frequency. But intensity is as high as ever, and it's paying off. I'm also squatting far less (with a barbell), and now the deadlift if moving.

Today's training:

1A) Deadlift - worked up to 335x5 (alternate grip)
1B) Box Jump - 6 x 3

2) Deadlift - 225x12,8

3A) Front Squat
3B) Mobility/Stretching

Good stuff.

Tomorrow is an off day with long walks and a bike ride.

Also, we had a little KB discussion on the forum:

Q: I have just got into kettle bells so i was excited to come across KB carnage. I currently have a 16kg and 20kg KB. 20kg is good for lower such as swings, DL, goblet squat. 16kg is my current limit for upper - press, snatch. However I tried TGU and am a bit worried 16kg is a bit too heavy, at the moment. Would you suggest doing the move weight free, or trying to improve a sloppy technique and it will come with trying.

Yes, great question. Chris Lopez teaches it at CTT events with just using your shoe. Then you can try water jug, etc. Get the form perfect and then find objects to build up.

Chris will be at on June 2-3.

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip:
You don't "find time" for what's important, you MAKE time. Make time for what matters. Don't let the minor take the majority of your time.

Push on,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT

PS - Watch out!

I'm revealing what's in the NEW Orange Box on Monday ... You're not going to want to miss this! be sure to check out for this awesome surprise!

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Craig Ballantyne
Founder, ETR University


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