Saturday, May 27, 2017

Cardio vs. Craig

Friday was an off day with a nice bike around my little town, even though it was raining.

Today's weather is a little nicer, and I'll go for another ride later, but first it was a solid, and super fast, shoulder press workout in the garage.

1A) 1-Arm KB Shoulder Press
1B) Band Pull

2A) DB Close-Grip Incline Press
2B) Mobility

Tomorrow is a big deadlift day.

Until then, here's a great training interview for you...

The Great Cardio Myth with Craig Ballantyne

Are you training hard...?

But, NOT losing the weight or seeing the body changes you want?

It's common for us to think that our calories in vs calories out formula is how we calculate how much cardio we are to do, right? Wrong! This is not necessarily indicative of how our bodies will respond to burning the 'unwanted' weight. Following a properly designed plan with both your cardio and strength workouts, plus structured meal plans is the best way to reach your goals. Too much cardio can lead to burn out and muscle breakdown.

This is exactly why I bring on Craig Ballantyne that has just released the The Great Cardio Myth...

To give you the real-world insights for you to simply follow so each workout is taking you one step closer to the body and health you want.

We Dive In This Episode -

* Why 1 mile doesn't equal 1 cupcake.
* Why both Craig and I weight train first.
* Why it's not about how many calories you burn in each workout.
* The myth of the 'Fat Burning Zone'
* And a lot more.

Click here for the full episode:…/

Are you training hard...? But, NOT losing the weight or seeing the body changes you want? It's common for us to think that our calories in vs calories out formula is how we calculate how much cardio we are to do, right?…

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip:
"If it is to be it's up to me." - #truth
PR = Success. 👏⚡️🦈
PR = Personal Responsibility
We can't depend on anyone else to do the work for us. Take PR and take control of your destiny. #perfectdayformula #politicallyincorrect

Push on,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT

PS - Enjoy some pillow talk with me here...

Craig Ballantyne
Founder, ETR University


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