Saturday, May 20, 2017

3 Tips of Insanely Successful People

Happy Saturday!

That's right, high-achievers don't stop on the weekend.

If you want to be insanely productive, there are only 3 things you need to do.

Here's a 60-second video explaining exactly what they are...

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You'll find these habits help you:

  • Make progress on your most important goals every single day before 9 a.m.
  • Have clarity about what matters in the day ahead
  • Execute on your most important tasks with uninterrupted focus, so that you can complete the critical tasks that will make your goals happen almost on autopilot

Enjoy the video and share with your high-achieving friends,


P.S. If you love this video, you're going to love what I've got for you on Monday. More to come…

Craig Ballantyne
Founder, ETR University


1 comment:

  1. A beloved mentor, who was also a doctor prior to her recent passing, finally cornered me major depressive disorder and said, "It's exercise or some pretty potent drugs. You choose. " The last thing I felt like I wanted to do was exercise; my aversion to Big Pharma, however, won out.
