Wednesday, February 22, 2017

TT Summits and Squats

Daniel is soon to have a big announcement regarding this year's TT Summit in Denver on June 2-3rd. There's going to be a TT Certification on the Sunday, and we have a few big name guest speakers (including Bedros!).

I'm trying hard to get Jay Ferruggia to attend, too.

Stay tuned!

Oh, and my friend Joey Stewart just told me the dates for his annual East Coast Fitness Trainer Summit. It's going to be September 22-23rd in Atlanta, Georgia. (So pancakes on Mikey, our resident Master CTT from the Peach State, haha!).

I'm trying to fit that in my calendar, but we'll definitely have Daniel Woodrum doing a TT Certification at that one, too.

And keeping to this seminar theme... on a totally random note, here's an interview I did with my good friend, Simon Black, about our annual BlackSmith Entrepreneurship Camp in Lithuania:


But let's get back to what you're here for...

Today's workout in Denver before my flight to Phoenix ... where I'm going to be teaching some entrepreneurs and hanging out with Bedros!

1A) Squat
1B) Box Jump

2B) RKC Plank

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip:

"Remember: After rain comes sun. If you had a bad weekend, bad week, or even a bad month, things can and will get better. It starts with you and your actions. So write down your goals, make a written plan to achieve them, take ACTION, track your success, get better every day, and find a friend or coach to hold you accountable. Together, we WILL succeed." - Craig Ballantyne

Stay strong and see you soon,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT

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