Tuesday, February 07, 2017

Fun Hike and Workouts

It's always awkward when you lock eyes with another person at the gym in between sets.

It's even more awkward when it's with a man using the inner thigh machine.

But that happened to me this morning at the W Hotel Gym here in Santiago.

The gym is great. It's not technically part of the hotel, but a private gym that W guests get to use.

It has a squat rack, bench press, incline press, heavy dumbbells, and many rooms for yoga, etc. The only problem is that it also has hundreds of members, and surprisingly, it was very busy at 7am today.

I say surprisingly because this is a big month for Chilean summer holidays, and I expected the gym to be quiet.

Plus, in South Beach Miami, an American city with a heavy latin influence, the gyms are empty until after 8am.

But it seems like Santiago likes to get up and GO!

Fortunately, I lucked out.

No one was using the squat rack... although the bar was warm when I got under it, so my timing must have been perfect.

Today's Workout:

1) Squats

2) RDL's

That's it. Thirty minute old-man warm-up and core training prior.

Now off for a short hike at San Cristobal in Santiago, then off to film videos.

On the weekend I was hiking around on my friend's farm and eating more blueberries than any human should eat in a day (it had to be close to 1000 calories of blueberries on Sunday...).

Today and tomorrow we're filming videos for his customers and our annual summer BlackSmithCamp.com.

Then I fly to San Diego for FBBC Mastermind and Perfect Life Workshop this weekend (ironically flying from Santiago to Toronto to get to San Diego from Chile).

And then I have a coaching day with Bedros next Monday. So give me until Ballantyne's Day (wait, what do you call it?) to get back to normal. :)

Image may contain: 1 person, standing, mountain, sky, outdoor and nature

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip:
"You were born to win, but to be a winner, you must plan to win, prepare to win, and expect to win." — Zig Ziglar

Get in it to win it,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT

PS - Have fun today...

...like these two guys!

For maximum fat loss results, find a workout partner you like to be around, choose a form of exercise you truly enjoy doing – rather than dreading – and have as much fun as possible while losing fat.

Try these guys here... Fun & effective!

=> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jgdUCI07fkE

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