Sunday, February 19, 2017

Chef Gui!

Recently I learned something kinda crazy.

My good friend Carissa is a registered nurse practitioner, a weight loss expert, is finishing her PhD and she's also a bikini-model-fit mother of 3!


As it turns out, she's also married to a famous French chef and cookbook author. And since they've been spending all their summers in the South of France indulging in amazing foods and delicious pastries, they know a thing or two about the Secrets of Skinny French Women.

Carissa decided to take everything she learned in France and as a weight loss researcher…


… and document it into a simple, easy-to-follow weight loss program with dozens of fat-burning, everyday recipes that she put together with her French chef of a husband.

So if you want to:

  1. Eat without restrictions and still lose weight.
  2. Discover the trick to eating pastries and still slim down.
  3. Stop hearing you need to work out hard to lose weight (As Carissa explains: you don't).
  4. Regain energy so that you can keep up with your busy lifestyle (Carissa and Gui have 5 young kids between the two of them!).
  5. Crack the code to a sustainable, "forever" lifestyle that will keep the fat you lose from ever coming back.

… then you owe it to yourself to read about their story, and how they put the Secrets of Skinny French Women into one simple, easy-to-follow weight loss program for you to grab.

See what I mean here:

Arrow blue  Carissa's story of eating and still losing a ton of weight in France! (Mind blowing!)  Arrow blue2

Talk soon,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer
Arrow blue

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