Friday, January 27, 2017

Garage - Panama - Chile

Pretty pumped for this.

Big travel journey starts today.

On Saturday morning I fly to Panama where I'll be speaking for a group of financial advisors and mortgage brokers. The organization purchased a kit for every attendee. This opportunity came about after the meeting organizer heard me on The Primal Blueprint Podcast. That goes to show you that you never know where we'll attract our next opportunity. It's why I've stayed committed to my podcast tour.


After six days in Panama, I'm heading to Santiago, Chile to meet our friend and fellow 2016 Toys for Tots presenter, Simon Black. We're filming at least one video for his customers, and hopefully more. All the while I'll be fitting in a few podcasts where I can to promote PDF and The Great Cardio Myth.


On Thursday, February 8th, I fly from Santiago to Toronto, and then immediately, without even leaving the airport in my "hometown," I board a plane for San Diego.

On the 10th I'm speaking at the Fit Body Boot Camp mastermind meeting, and then I'm holding a Perfect Life Workshop on the 11th. I still have one spot to fill for that event, so I'll be pushing hard right up to the deadline.


After a day off on the 12th, I'll spend Monday, February 13th at FBBC HQ with Bedros filming videos for our upcoming new program that we're launching in May.

The next day the entire world celebrates Ballantyne's Day, so I don't think anyone will be working. Haha.


On February 16th I'm back to San Diego working with a new 1-on-1 coaching client, an incredible business coach and has worked with over 3,500 entrepreneurs, including Sara Blakely (the woman who invented Spanx).

The next day I fly to Tampa and am hosting a Perfect Life Workshop on Sunday, February 19th (the day after I celebrate Lilly Marion's 5th birthday with Joel and his family).

But wait, there's more.

On the 20th I'll fly to Denver for a 40-hour visit before packing up and heading down to Phoenix, Arizona for a 25K Mastermind meeting with Joe Polish. Joe has arranged for me to do a short presentation on some of the tools we use in my Perfect Life Workshop.


And then, then I get to fly home to Toronto on February 26th.

I think. And hope. 

But first...

I did a workout today. Although I must admit, I wussed out and didn't make the drive to the YMCA. Instead, I trained harder at home!

1A) KB DB Front Squat - 53x16 for a new record
1B) KB Swing - 70x4x15

2A) DB Row
2B) Ball Leg Curl

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip:

"To live an extraordinary life you must resist an ordinary approach" – Frank McKinney...

For fat loss, this means NOT doing the same things as everyone else in the office (i.e. bringing in donuts, eating fast food, going to bed late and running late in the morning).

Instead, you need to plan, shop, and prepare for your meals and stick to a workout schedule - be consistent and you'll achieve extraordinary results.

Image may contain: dessert and food

Rock on,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT

PS - Here are the reviews for my new book, The Great Cardio Myth:

PPS - More!

On Amazon we're up to over 110 reviews for the Perfect Day Formula, and we have dozens more reviews on Here's one...


"Amazing book, easy to read, and easy to implement changes and your own "rules" for your life. Since I started this a few days ago, I've already made changes to control my mornings and it really does make a difference. Often, most of his points were really common sense, but yet how often do we follow that? We are short-sighted, immediate-pleasure-seeking beings, and if we don't have a vision of what we want our lives and legacies to be, with specific goals to make that happen, it just won't. We're destined for big things, each one of us, and Ballantyne gives you the inspiring how-to baby steps. Two thumbs up!" – Julie, Goodreads review


You can review all of feedback on Goodreads here:

Craig Ballantyne
Founder, ETR University
Creator, Turbulence Training

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