Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Garage Gym Meathead Sticking Point

First of all, make sure to read this article.


Please share with the world. I've posted on my FB pages and LinkedIn as well. You can make a difference in someone's life with this information.

After writing that article I went into the garage gym for another tightly timed training session. This time, a Meathead Upper Body workout. Tomorrow is an off day, and then I'll get one more deadlift session in before heading on an interesting journey to Panama, Santiago, and San Diego. (You wouldn't believe how hard it is to get from Santiago to San Diego, even though they sound the same! Haha.)

Today's Garage Gym Session:

1A) Pushups

2A) DB Press - 80x10 (I'm stuck here!)
2B) DB Rear-Delt Raise

3A) DB Neutral Grip Incline Press

Great times!

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip:

You must resist complacency. Fight, fight, fight against the feeling of ‘laying off.’ Never stop getting better. Never rest on past accomplishments. Never quit on your transformation. You will never be done. We can all get a bit better everyday. Expect more of yourself. Push yourself harder. Make the most of your gifts. The world needs you now more than ever.

Push on and grow strong,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT

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