Monday, December 12, 2016

Snowstorm Supersets

Yesterday's travel was treacherous.

The flight from LA to Toronto was almost perfect.

But there was a snowstorm in Toronto, and so we circled for an hour.

When we landed, I had a 3 hour (normally 90 minutes) drive home. I had to focus. In hindsight, it might actually have been a safer drive home because normally I struggle not to fall asleep at the wheel. Something about riding in a car puts me to sleep.

But not last night... not when you're driving a little Nissan Altima through snow and slush and big rigs are passing you like you're racing Usain Bolt.

I left the airport around 8ish and got home at 11pm. I was so grateful to pull into my little driveway...

And then I just about got stuck trying to get into the garage. Ha.

But all's well that ends well, although I didn't get to sleep until after midnight... first time for that in a while.

I let myself sleep in till 6am and today's been a bit of a mess because of it... and also because it's impossible to get out of the driveway.

Hopefully we'll get that cleared up so that I can deadlift tomorrow... and then eventually buy a new bar and bumper plates so I can do every workout at home in the future.

But because I was stuck at home today, I did an upper body workout:

1A) Pushups - Hit a new personal best of 54

2A) 1-Arm Kettlebell OH

Also did a couple of dog walks in knee-high snow. Those are a lot harder than a Sunday stroll in the summer.

So that's a bright side to the snowstorm.

I also realized that when I was driving I wasn't breathing deeply and slowly, and in the past that would have caused me anxiety. Especially because I had some caffeine to stay awake and alert.

But not now. Mostly because I'm aware and I know that nothing is wrong with me. That wasn't always the case. Check this out.

Over 40 million Americans struggle with anxiety, and it can cripple your mind and body. I know from personal experience. Ten years ago, I struggled with it severely. Read to find out how I beat anxiety and how you can too.

Read it here =>

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip:

Become the person you need to become to achieve the goals you want to achieve. Get out of your comfort zone. Resist complacency. Never stop learning. Improve everyday. Demand more from yourself. Play Up a Level. Never settle. If you want advanced results, you must take advanced measures, because you cannot succeed with an average approach.

Go beyond,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT

PS - Woohoo!

So grateful to and everyone at Fit Body Boot Camp HQ for buying over $20,000 of toys for Toys for Tots yesterday!

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