Thursday, December 01, 2016

Happy 1st - Make it your best

And now the craziness begins.

Today I'm holding a Perfect Life Workshop for my team in Denver. Master CTT, Daniel Woodrum, will be in the house... as will his lovely wife, Britt.

Tomorrow we have our Toys for Tots business seminar, and then on Saturday we go shopping and have our ETR Christmas party.

I'm wired already.

And I kicked off the weekend with a great bench press workout.

1A) Bench - 195x3x6
1B) Chest- Supported Row

2A) Military Press
2B) Chin-up with Kneeup

Great times.

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip:
Happy 1st! The sprint to the finish of 2016 is on. Commit to doing one BIG thing now and make the rest of the year the BEST of your year.

Talk soon,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT

PS - Before you make a move, be sure you know EXACTLY where you want to go. Create a clear and
Craig Ballantyne, CTT

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