Saturday, November 12, 2016

Two Perfect Days Back to Back

Squat and hike with Jay & Jen Ferruggia today. Now that's a Perfect Day.

Squat workout:

1A) Glute-Ham Raise
1B) KB Goblet Split Squat

2) Front Squat - I hit a PR of 185x4

3) Deadlift - just two sets

Then we went for a hike... with Bronx the Dog!

love wearing this t-shirt around the world!

#Onedaybetter shirt FTW.

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip:
Get up 15 minutes earlier and meditate. If you can't do that, try Holosync. It's done-for-you meditation. And then review: What went wrong this week? And what went right? What did you learn? Remove the wrong to make the right actions easier in all situations.

Push on and stay strong,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT

PS - Check this out!

Perfect Day Formula coaching session on Friday in Orange County with Bedros Keuilian, Jason Ferruggia, Brian Stecker, Megan Kruger, and Samantha Taylor. Legendary day, BIG breakthroughs, and amazing plans for 2016-2017 for everyone.

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