Saturday, November 19, 2016

Super Saturday Circuit in the Garage

Super Saturday!

Awesome day... I love these pre-Christmas weekends.

And here's today's view from the office.

My work day workout went like this...

1 set of kettlebell swings, 1 set of goblet squats, 1 email. Repeat. Finish with one set of feeding the dog in his blue "brakefast" bowl. Thank goodness that guy in the suit was there to count my reps!

But seriously... my workout was:

1A) KB Swings
1B) KB Goblet Squats

2A) DB Split Squat
2B) Power Wheel Rollout

3) High Rep Squat Finisher

Followed with a long dog walk in the rain/sleet.

Good times!

Image may contain: one or more people and indoor

Yesterday my recent #anxiety article on Men's Health

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip:
Make Rules. List 3 rules that you will live by for the next 30 days. These rules are NOT meant to be broken.

It could be:
- I will wake up at _am every day.
- I will meditate or pray for ___ minutes first thing each morning. I will drink ___ cups of water each day.
- I will exercise ___ minutes per day.
- I will call __ people every day.
_ I will ___ every day before bed.


Create 3 simple rules for 30 Perfect Days. Use your commitment to these 3 rules to grow stronger in all areas of life, discipline, commitment and love.

Get rules and get a life,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT

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