Monday, October 24, 2016

Sunday Deadlifting in South Carolina

Here's a funny story. I totally screwed up on my travel plans from Orlando to Charleston.

As you might know, getting a direct flight to Charleston, South Carolina, is difficult. There just aren't a lot of options. I was surprised I couldn't get one from Orlando (that suited my departure time). I ended up booking a late afternoon flight to Charlotte and a connection to Charleston.

Total time spent in airports and airplanes worked out to over 7 hours.


It's just a 4-hour drive.


As you can imagine, I hate wasting time... so this bothered me. Plus, I HATE airports... and I hate really tight connections... and I hate crowded airport gates full of stressed out travelers...

...and then a really annoying alarm started going off in the waiting area (because a security door was open), and then all the kids leaving Disney World started screaming, and then two guys almost got in a fight because one A-hole started giving a stressed out father a hard time about the amount of carry-on luggage... and then some lady with really bad spicy-sausage breath started talking to me up-close and personal about my old Blackberry phone (it's SIX years old, LOL!)...

...but I managed to keep my calm through it all.

And everything worked out.

Because I remembered one of my RULES for Living is:

It will all be OVER soon.

The bad times will end and you'll survive them.

And the good times will be over before you know it.


Embrace the moment. Love this minute. Learn from it. And improve yourself in every environment.

I was able to practice my patience and train my empathy muscle.

I knew that we all wanted to get home safely... we all wanted for the plane to leave on time. Everyone was doing the best they could, and no one was trying to hurt anyone.

We all just needed to breath, cope, relax, and be good to one another.

And it all worked out.

Our pilot made it up "in the air", as they often seem to do, and all connections were made.

Before I knew it I was in a comfortable taxi driving from the Charleston airport on a beautiful October evening.

We drove down King Street just as the sun was setting and hundreds of people were strolling the sidewalks and going into the bustling - and highly recommended - restaurants in this charming city.

Thirty minutes later I was in a local grocery store, getting prepped for the next few days of meetings and travel.

And eventually I was in a very comfortable bed in the lovely Restoration Hotel and having a great night's sleep.

That allowed me to wake-up Sunday morning, have a great writing session, and then a killer deadlift workout at ECO Fitness, where I even ran into my old friend, Adam Witty. It was totally random. He didn't know I was going to be in town, and I was just about to leave when he showed up... so we hung out for a bit, caught up, and then I went for a walk around the College of Charleston area.

The deadlift workout went like this:

1a) Deadlift

1b) Box Jump

2a) Barbell Split Squat

2b) Cable Abs

Good times.

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip:

You need to make the right decisions for your relationships. Spend time with people of the highest moral quality, with those you seek to emulate, and with those that provide only the best example for your children. Leverage their knowledge, support, commitment, and success.

Make it right,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT

PS - No matter what happened on the weekend...

...don't beat yourself up about it.


I had to keep telling myself that in the airport security line-up on Saturday as I thought to myself...

"Argh, why didn't I think of driving. This sucks. I'm so stupid."


Remember this...

Learn your lessons and move on from your past mistakes.

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