Tuesday, October 25, 2016


The Charleston Airport managed to be even worse than Orlando. TSA had one line open for 300 people. But again, patience, and knowing it would end got me through it.

Fortunately I had a great time in Charleston with Isabel Price from BeyondDiet.com and a few other friends.

The workouts were done at Eco fitness, and the hotel gave me free access to it each day. I also ran into an old friend at the gym, even though he didn't know I was going to be in town. Good times.

Workout 1 - Monday

1A) Bench - 3x6 @ 185

2A) Ring Pushup
2B) Ring Row

Workout 2 - Tuesday

1A) Front Squat - new record of 135x18
1B) Mobility

2A) Good Morning
2B) Mobility

Today's Kickbutt Mindset:

Ok, gotta run and catch a flight.

Talk soon,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT

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