Monday, September 05, 2016

Weekend Warrior Workouts

Sunday was another gorgeous, sunny day in Denver. I started off with some Big Idea planning around my future "Impact Playbook" program. This is going to be epic, and even better than ETR University or the Perfect Day Formula. I'm finally figuring out how to share my Life's Work in so many ways and I'm growing more excited about ETR's future by the day.

After two hours of solid planning and preparing, I had breakfast, did more writing, and then hit the gym for a fun Meathead Mobility session. I've always had nagging shoulder and rotator cuff issues, and so these days I devote at least 10 minutes of my old-man warm-up to upper back and posterior delt preparation.

That makes for safe and effective workouts, like this one:

1a) Military Press

1b) Chin-up with Knee-Up

2a) Dips with knee-up

2b) CS Row

Then I did a little walk around the neighborhood.

Today, Monday, is an off day - started it with a long early morning walk timed with the sunrise through the Denver Highlands neighborhood. It was perfect!

I've also started my Transformation for the 27th TT Contest. More details soon!

But for now, I still have a lot of writing to do, so I'll do that the rest of the morning and then meet up with Joel Marion in the afternoon for dinner. He went back to Tampa for the weekend to mop up after the Hurricane.

On Tuesday, it's off to San Diego for our Mastermind week.

This is going to be our biggest and best one ever.

We're connecting at a higher level, and so many of our coaching clients are hitting record results.

That forces Bedros and I to become better coaches and push ourselves so our MM members get 100X the value.

It's going to be an amazing time.

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip:

Relax, let go, and allow those who can help you to help you. You don’t always need to go it on your own. You don’t need be a hero, a martyr, or sacrificial lamb. It’s okay to show a weakness, to address it, to fix it. It’s okay to let someone put bandages on your wounds. The world is not full of sharks out for your blood. Instead, you are surrounded with people that care and want to help you as much as you want to help them. So let them.

Do it,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT

PS - "To keep the body in good health is a duty... otherwise we shall not be able to keep our mind strong and clear." - Buddha

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