Saturday, August 27, 2016

Training in Toronto and Real Media for the Perfect Day

Faced with the dilemma of squatting with a Smith Machine or waiting until Sunday morning to squat (and thus messing up my weekly schedule), I took the easy way out.

The Smith Machine got the pass, and I did an upper body Meathead workout instead. Fortunately, I tied a personal best for chest presses, and had a good session for the upper back. Today I head home from Toronto, so I'll slip into the YMCA tomorrow morning for a squat workout before driving back to the Toronto Airport for my late flight to Denver.

The Saturday morning session went like this:

1a) DB Chest Press - 70x16

1b) Cable Row

2a) Military Press

2b) Bodyweight Row

3a) Machine Row

3b) Shrug

Good times, even though it was a bit of a cop-out.

On the bright side, away from the gym, my Perfect Day Formula and success systems are getting a lot of real media these days.

That's the power of persistence in plugging your book on 80 podcasts (the radio show host heard me on the 8-Minute Millionaire show) and joining Mastermind Groups (where I met Garrett).

So keep pushing and get connected.

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip:
“The best thing you can do is to make everyone else around you better. Grow them, and you’ll grow too. Teach as many and as much as you can, for the teacher always learns more than the student. Help the people in your life become the best they can be.” – Craig’s Codes #42

Keep at it,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT

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