Monday, August 15, 2016

Rio Update and Bodyweight Circuit

Last night was interesting.

We were very lucky to see this man in action last night... he had such incredible confidence in his qualifying heat, his warm-ups, and even down to the last second before the gun went off in the final.

There was NO doubt in his mind.

He was a superman amongst men.

Today we're off to diving. Yesterday we also did a great hike. Wednesday night is basketball quarterfinals. And then we get home on Friday morning.

The hike was tough, but short, and it seemed to have sped my recovery from Saturday's tough bodyweight leg circuit.

Today I did a bodyweight session today in my hotel room.

- 300 squats
- 225 pushups
- 75 split squats

Good times. About 25 minutes, not including warm-ups.

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip:
"Most people attain their greatest success just one step beyond their greatest failure." - Napolean Hill... so never, ever give up on what matters to YOU.

Push on,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT

PS - Read this!

Awesome update.


Steal those ideas!

PPS - Read this

It's powerful.


Take it to heart

PPPS - Another great view from Rio today after a fun hike. Now off to dinner and then the 100 meter finals...

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