Monday, August 29, 2016

Crazy Monday Motivation

This morning's kickbutt mindset tip will kick your butt. Literally.

Ok, not literally, but it's awesome...

...and it's from my training mentor, Bobby Maximus.

And this is pretty cool, too. It's a Monday Motivation interview I did on San Francisco radio last week.


The host, Brian Copeland, is a big fan of The Perfect Day Formula, and so he invited me to spend half an hour on his show.

Fun times, and hoping it leads to more of these.

Now to our workouts...

Last night I flew to Denver and got in late. Plus, since I squatted yesterday and did a Meathead Workout on Saturday morning in Toronto, that meant today was an off-day.

But yesterday I hit my old haunt, the Stratford YMCA, to get under the bar.

Training session went like this...

1a) Power Clean

1b) Mobility

2a) Squat

2b) Mobility

3a) Good Morning

3b) Overhead Squat

3c) DB reverse lunge

Then it was time for a dog walk on a beautiful August day.

I wish I had more time on the farm, but I have a busy week back in the ETR offices as we launch and my good friend ol' Joel Marion is coming into town for a Coldplay concert tonight. Should be good times and busy times. I'll send some good updates this week.

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip:

"I will defeat the person I was yesterday. The person I compete with the most is the old me. Today I will train harder than that person, eat better and pay more attention to recovery than that person. I will better myself physically in every way I know how. I will also be kinder to people and show people in my life more love. I will become a better person than the person I was yesterday. I will read and educate myself and become smarter than I was yesterday. I am always capable of defeating the man I was yesterday. I know his strengths and I know his weaknesses. I know him all too well. He is the old me and there is nothing he can do to stop me from getting better." - Bobby Maximus

Amazing motivation,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT

PS - It's open!

You can access my life's work today at...
The #1 Small Business Success System.

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