Thursday, August 04, 2016

10 tips from Missi

Hey, it's Craig here, and I'm packing for my next trip.

On Tuesday I leave for the Rio Olympics with my friend Joel Marion from BioTrust Nutrition.

I'll send you lots of cool bodyweight workouts, Olympic fat burning tips, and sexy South American nutrition updates while I'm there.

But it's going to be a busy final few days getting ready to go, so I'm handing over today's email to Missi Holt for an important message.

She explains why I mysteriously lose weight every time I travel (like when I went to Switzerland last month and lost almost 5 pounds).

You can use this good news to lose weight and get back in shape. Check it out!


10 Easy Ways to Burn More Calories

By Missi Holt

Have you ever been visiting a city for the first time, and though you’re indulging in all of the local fare, noticed that you’re feeling lighter due to all the walking you’re doing as you explore an exciting new place?

I have — in Seattle. I think I actually lost weight because we walked everywhere all day even though we were eating like kings at every meal!

One of the simplest ways to have a BIG impact on your health and fitness is to move more — not exercise more — but rather add more movement into your daily life.

The human body isn’t designed to sit scrunched up in a chair all day, day after day — it’s designed to move.

Adding some simple shifts to your routine can add up to make a major impact on your health and fitness over time. This is great news if you struggle to follow a structured exercise program. Here are some of the many benefits of moving more throughout the day:

  • Manage your weight with less effort
  • Improve your mental health and mood
  • Combat disease and increase longevity
  • Improve your sleep
  • Boost energy
  • Reduce stress
  • Improved brain function

Here are my top 10 Simple Changes that can make a big impact on your life:

  1. Take the stairs
  2. Park farther away
  3. Take a walk
  4. At work
  5. Use TV
  6. Stand up
  7. Dance
  8. Go on ‘active’ dates
  9. Maximize
  10. Volunteer

The human body is designed to move – and once we get going, it feels better to be active.

Many of us are so overwhelmed by having to get in an intense bout of exercise several times per week that we’ve forgotten how beneficial it is to our health, fitness, and happiness to simply move more throughout the day.

You can improve your health and fitness by becoming more active, not just exercising or playing sports, but also adding more movement to your everyday life.

Click here for a more detailed list in my full article.

In Love & Gratitude,

Missi Holt, CTT
Master Fitness & Nutrition Therapist
Certified Turbulence Trainer

PS - Here's another great lesson that Missi and I love...

Review your 10 closest relationships. Have you been in contact with them enough? Do they need you right now? What can you do to help, encourage, and support one connection today, and every day? Make a new habit to connect with someone different each day.

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