Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Travel to Denver for Training

Well, if 23 hours of travel could actually go smoothly, that's what happened yesterday. I'm lucky.

Every flight was on time. I got a little sleep. I found some healthy food in Chicago's O'Hare airport (which actually wasn't hard... I even stumbled across a make-your-own salad joint in Terminal 1 near the C gates).

And I watched Batman vs. Superman. It was a little ridiculous, but not as bad as perhaps most people made it out to be.

So I left Vilnius at 12:30pm on Tuesday and got into my apartment in Denver at 1am on Wednesday. There's a 9 hour time difference in there.

But I accumulated three naps of 2.5 hours each along the way, and so I woke up at 5am today and managed a decent workout.

Tomorrow is a big filming day for me, so I needed to get back on track.

Today's Training:

1A) Military Press
1B) Front Squat

2A) Overhead Squat
2B) Chin-up with Knee-Up

Post-Holiday Weight = 171 pounds

I didn't lose as much weight as I expected, as that's usually the case when I miss out on weight training workouts.

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip:
"There is nothing on this earth more to be prized than true friendship." – Thomas Aquinas… Eliminate Stuff. Accumulate Love. Want less. Contribute more. Buy less. Create more. Give away a material object today. Replace it with an experience. Do something fun. Create a memory. Give praise to a friend. Mail a thank you card, call a family member, stretch your bounds of giving. Give so much that you think it will hurt, for it never will. 

True friendship rules,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT

PS - Here's something worth a listen...

talks how general planning can help you start your day off on right foot.

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