Saturday, July 02, 2016

Saturday morning chest pressing in the city

Travel time is over, for a few days.

I celebrated Canadia on Air Canada.

Fitting, I suppose.

I landed around 4pm in Toronto, and made my way downtown to my favorite hotel, The Shangri-La.

The Toronto Blue Jays were just wrapping up the 9th inning of their game against the Cleveland Indians.

After checking in, I answered some emails, had dinner, walked around the city, and came back to finish my Big Thinking exercise for the day.

Meanwhile, the Blue Jays were still playing.

They went a full 19 innings, over 2 full games, against the Indians...and the Jays lost.

My friend, famous fitness researcher and epic tweeter, Dr. Stuart Phillips, live-tweeted the game here.


16h16 hours ago

Bottom of 14th... Jays threaten

He's worth following if you like the science of training and nutrition and Canadiana.

Anyways, I crashed early... (I think the game was over by then, but perhaps not!)

Got a full 8 hours sleep for the first time in a few days, and then I wrote some articles and hit the gym at the hotel.

1a) DB Chest Press - worked up to a new 2016 PB of 70x16 reps

1b) Face Pull

2) Running Intervals

Felt good to do a few rounds of 9 miles per hour at a 4% incline. Did 1 minute intervals with 1 minute rest.

Tomorrow is my final deadlift day before my annual trip to Europe.

On Wednesday evening I'm off to London, Scotland (several cities & Loch Ness), Dublin, Zurich, Lucerne, and Vilnius. It's in Lithuania that I'll finish my epic summer journey with the 7th annual Again, we have over 50 ambitious attendees from dozens of countries joining us for a life-changing weekend.

Plus, they'll get a few fun bootcamp workouts with ol' CB.

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip:

We’ve just passed the halfway mark of the year.


So let’s use today as our 2nd New Year’s Day.


It’s another chance for you to begin again.


You can choose to make big changes in your life starting right now.


No matter what happened yesterday, or on the weekend, you can get back on track to your big goals and dreams today!


And every step forward takes you farther away from the mistakes of yesterday.


So don’t waste energy on regrets…


…instead learn the lessons, move on, and get better today and tomorrow.


Get back on track for the rest of 2016 this week,


Craig Ballantyne, CTT


PS – If you’re struggling or hurting, remember this…


It’s always darkest before the dawn.


Everyone goes through dark days and dips, but not quitting is what separates success from failure.


There will be days when you struggle. That’s okay. Just never give up on what is important to you…


…Because whatever is in your way, you’re stronger than it, you’re tougher than it, and you’re going to beat it.


But you must truly believe in yourself.


You must end the “I’ll give this a try” mindset, and switch to an, “I’m going to succeed” belief.


When you have that in place, all things are possible through faith in yourself.

Stay strong and get stronger,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT


PPS – And when you feel stressed…


…when work deadlines collide with family fights, traffic troubles, or chaotic kiddos...


… just remember one of my favorite quotes…


“Enjoy life. Treat it as an adventure. Care passionately about the outcome, but keep it in perspective. Things are seldom as bleak as they seem when they are going wrong – or as good as they seem when they are going well. Lighten up. You’ll live longer.” – Kekich Credo #55


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