Monday, July 11, 2016

Happy and Scottish after Squats and Salmon

Sunday morning, after a poor night's sleep, I managed to have a great workout at our hotel gym.

We got lucky.

The Kensington Close Hotel, where we stayed in London, had an excellent gym, with bench press and squat rack. That's because it was an "outside member's gym" too, in addition to being the hotel gym.

I met Bedros down in the gym around 7am and we each went about our work, without much conversation.

Not knowing when I'd be back in a good gym, I did a bit of everything.

1A) Bench Press
1B) Bodyweight Row

2A) Squat

Good times.

Then it was off to King's Cross Station to catch the train from London to Edinburgh. Here's B & his family getting settled in for the 4 hour journey.

Good times!

Meanwhile, on Saturday night, after a great dinner of gluten-free chicken meatballs over zucchini and sweet potato "noodles" at (yes, with two F's), we stumbled across a true International house of pancakes. I might have to call Mikey "Old Dutch" from now on!

Old Dutch Whitfield.


Once we hit Edinburgh we walked around the old town, marveled at the old buildings, walked past The Elephant House (the birthplace of Harry Potter), and then had a great dinner at Howie's. I had Scottish salmon, while B had Lamb (again, for about the 7th meal in a row, LOL).

Today we'll buy some cashmere, maybe a kilt, and then head off to Loch Ness and an overnight stay in Inverness.

Here's the view from my hotel room at the Sheraton Grand in Edinburgh (it's a great, modern, "Americanized" hotel ... and yes, I like to keep things familiar when it comes to hotels...)

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip:

Be happy and content at this very moment. No more complaining. Always have gratitude for the little things in life. Give your love to the world and appreciate how lucky you are to be alive at this incredible time in history.

Be happy and Scottish,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT

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