Friday, July 22, 2016

BlackSmith Camp 2016 Workout A

Alright, alright, alright. Today was the first bootcamp workout from our 7th annual BlackSmith Camp.

After a great day of teaching, including me giving my TT Summit speech about the 5 Pillars & 5 Rules for your life, we did this under the warm Lithuanian sunshine:

Exercise Demo Warmup - a couple of reps of all the exercises using some teaching tricks learned from Chris Lopez at the TT Summit

1A) Prisoner Squat
1B) Pause Pushup
1C) Total Body Extension
1D) Mountain Climber
1E) Reverse Lunges
1F) Iron Cross
1G) Sphinx Pushup
1H) Prisoner Split Squat
1J) Rocking Plank
1K) Punisher Squat - 2 rounds

Repeat 2x's.

This didn't seem like much to me but it rocked most of the kids so we stopped there. Some of them stayed around to do a post-workout workout with my buddy, former military man and West Point cadet, Simon Black.

Good times.

Couple more good workouts coming your way soon.

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip:
All the planning in the world is no good if you don’t follow through. Be a robotic action-taker. Eliminate your excuses about lack of time, distractions, ‘emergencies’, and take action on what really matters in your life. Write that book. Save that marriage. Raise healthy kids. Lose that weight. Reconnect with that special friend. The time is now.

Take advantage of it,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT

PS - Make the right decisions, right now, for your right life.

Know what matters. Eliminate distractions. Concentrate one what counts. Don't let society impose its standards on you. You are the one that sets the bar for your behavior. Think - and act - for yourself.

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