Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Ontario California Workout and Coaching

Yesterday was a big travel day from Toronto to LA and then over to Ontario, California. So yes, I went from Ontario, Canada, to Ontario, California.

Thanks to the time zone change I was early to bed last night and slept great.

Did a short meathead workout this morning, and now it's off to meet with Bedros for some personal coaching on growing the TT world.

Tonight we both head out to Phoenix. We have a $25K Mastermind Meeting with Joe Polish and his Genius Network on Thursday and Friday. Plus, Bedros and I have the obligatory big steak dinner on Thursday evening. We'll be going out with Mike Parella from

I first met Mike at Fitness Business Summit, and Bedros has just released the dates for 2017. Keep these blocked off. If you're a trainer, you absolutely need to be there. Bedros is somehow managing to make this one even 10X better than last year's legendary event.

=> March 24-26, 2017, in San Diego (new host city next year!)

Today's workout:
1A) Chin-up with Knee-Up
1B) DB Chest Press

2A) Face Pull
2B) Triceps Extensions

Next two days are off and then it's back to deadlifting on Saturday morning in Denver. I have a lot of travel next week, too, so it will be a challenge to get under the bar for a squat workout... but hopefully it'll happen on Wednesday AM in Delray Beach, Florida.

Until then, check out these well timed travel training tips from Missi Holt:

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip:
Are you #winning?

Losing fat is a game between you and the outside world. Everyone, from family to friends to co-workers to restaurant owners to TV advertisers is scheming against you to make you eat more and exercise less. Like it or not, it’s true. They might not be doing it on purpose, or with bad intentions, but they are happier when you are fed, full, and flat out on the couch.

You must always know your options. You must have Plans A, B, C, D, and E. You must be prepared to counter-attack.

When they say pizza, you say sushi. When they say take-out, you say, “I’ve already prepared my lunch”. When they say, “Happy Hour”, you say, “Workout first.”

Surround yourself with people who are fitter and healthier than you.

Always play up a level,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT

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