Thursday, April 21, 2016

Personal Story About Building a Better Life

Hi, Derek Wahler here…

I’m a Certified Turbulence Trainer from Wisconsin and Craig let me step in today to give you this really important message.

No doubt you've heard about his Perfect Day Formula. It has raving fans from every corner of the globe, such as Ali Fox in Australia, Barry Dunlop in England, Simon Black in South America, and even the Pitbull of Personal Development, Larry Winget, here in America.

Now Craig can tell you how magical his formula is until he’s blue in the face, but I wanted you to get a first hand account from someone who has actually used it.

I met Craig a little over 2 years ago, back when I was stuck in a tiny cubicle working for a giant, soulless corporation.

I was miserable and underpaid (like you might be). Every morning on my drive into work I thought, “Really, 40 more years of this?”

Fast forward to today, I now own an extremely profitable online fitness business, started my own boot camp from scratch, and I get to help thousands of people around the world as part of the team at Turbulence Training and

Thanks to Craig, I’ve automated 90% of my businesses, get to work from home, and my wife was able to quit her job to be a full-time mom for our 1-year old daughter. Now I get to wake up every morning to a huge smile on my wife’s face every morning instead of watching her leave for a job she hated.

And the crazy part is…

I’m not that smart (anyone who knows me will tell you that!)

I don’t have a fancy degree.

And I don’t come from money.

I just followed the simple formula that Craig gave me nearly two years ago to finally get the freedom and success I had been chasing for years…

While following my passion for helping others through health and fitness.

And the good news is…

Craig decided to share all of his best secrets for free during a special live event next Wednesday, April 27th.

Arrow blue Click here to reserve your spot for this special FREE event

You see, it doesn’t matter if you want to lose weight, transform your body, start a business, increase your income, regain your health, have deeper relationships with your family, or become so successful that no one could ever ignore you again…

It all starts with Craig’s dead-simple formula that ANYONE can do to completely change their life.

It’s crazy because so few people know these secrets.

And even fewer actually use them.

But that’s good news for you and me.

Because once you make these simple steps a part of your daily routine, you’ll never have to worry about “competition” ever again.

There’s no way for them to keep up.

It's that simple, which is the main reason why I do it.

Arrow blue  Click here to reserve your spot for this special FREE event

You can use it to get anything you want in life.

But nothing will happen until you start taking action.

So you can sit back feeling helpless as the weeks, months, and years pass you by while nothing changes for you and your family, or…

You can claim your spot for Craig’s live event below and put the future of your family, health, wealth, and happiness back into your own hands.

Arrow blue  Click here to reserve your spot for this special FREE event

The world is yours when you take action,

Derek Wahler, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer

PS – Here’s just a tiny bit of what you’ll discover during this free live event…

  • Why most "time management" books and so-called "productivity hacks" actually make you WORSE at managing your time and creating your dream life
  • The #1 sleep habit change you can make to have more all-day energy than you'd get from TWO coffees
  • How to solve your biggest problems - and take action on your greatest opportunities in life - in just 5 minutes in the morning
Derek tt
Here I am living a life of freedom with my daughter - thanks Craig!

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